
Dokufest Kosovo, one of the top festivals in the Balkans region will celebrate this year its 17th edition as an online festival. We are proud to be participating nor less than with four documentary feature films in competition. The festival will kick off on Friday, August 7th, and will offer online streamings of the selected programs in Kosoko, Serbia, and Albania until August 25th.

Taskovski Films brings award-winning creative documentaries from all over the world, to start with Pushpendra Singh’s coming of age music doc Pearl of the Desert (India, South Korea, 2019), recently awarded in Krakow Film Festival – Best DocMusicFilm, which tells the story of Moti a talented teenager living in the Dhart Desert of India, who stands out in his community for his unique voice in the folk traditional music of the Manganiyars. The film will screen in the International Docs competition. (

World Premiered in Berlinale Forum, latest non-fiction work by Cannes veteran Radu Jude and Adrian Cioflanca The Exit of The Trains (Romania, 2020), a sequel to The Dead Nation (2017), and a needed cinematic experience of 175 minutes make a sequence of photographs of the Holocaust victims that were killed in the Romanian city of Iaşi on 29 June 1941 and the days that followed. This documentary is part of the Truth program.

The feature debut of the French director Jonathan Rescigno, Strike or Die (2020), Best French Film in Les Champs Elysées 2020, it World Premiered in Berlinale Forum and will screen in the Human Rights Competition at Dokufest Kosovo. Recigno’s first feature speaks about the struggle of finding our own identity, portraying the younger generations in the present day in France and the generation that fought for the labor rights in the miners’ strikes that occurred in France in the 1980s and ‘90.

In the Balkans section, a new Proton Cinema production by first time director Ábel Visky – Tales from the Prison Cell (Hungary, Croatia, UK) coproduced by Taskovski Films. With World Premiere in Fipadocs Biarritz and selected at Hot Docs, this film explores family relationships between incarcerated parents and children showing how being in jail affects the lives of a household and imaginary worlds can build a bridge to reconnect family members.